Road crashes has became more concerning among Cambodian citizens with around 2,000 fatalities per year. The main reason of road crashes was speeding and follow by drink driving (RCVIS, 2016). Awareness campaigns are one key important component to influence all drivers for wise drinking that would contribute to the achievement of National Action Plan for Road Safety 2011-2020 in reducing road crash deaths by 50%.

”The main reason of road crashes was speeding and follow by drink driving
Stay Safe-Drink Wise awareness campaign was officially launch on 13th December 2016 along with the Memorandum of Understanding Signing between APIWSA and Ministry of Public Work and Transport of Cambodia. The awareness aims to contribute to the reducing of road crashes death as well as promoting road safety in Cambodia.
This report measures the impact of APISWA campaigns carried out between 2016-2017, with the resulting metrics to be used as guiding tools to further enhance future project design and implementation.
Read the full report at: DrinkSafe4KH – Cambodia Awareness Campaign