Industry Reports
Here you will find a range of external publications and resources that help explain what APISWA does to advance its priorities across the region.

December 2023
Power of No Evaluation Report
This independent, comprehensive, evaluation report conducted by Social Terrain, experts in monitoring and evaluation through using technology and social media, details findings in target countries of APISWA’s regional ‘Power of No’ Drink Driving Campaign through online surveys and focus groups. The findings help to inform the future direction of the Power of No and broader engagement around drink driving.

June 2023
Examining the Negative Impact of Illicit Trade on the ASEAN Community Vision 2025
The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), in partnership with the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) report on illicit trade occurring in all corners of the ASEAN region and negatively impacting many of its key economic sectors, including agri-foods, alcohol, fisheries, forestry, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, precious metals and gemstones, pesticides, tobacco, wildlife and counterfeiting across multiple sectors.

June 2023
Countering Illicit Alcohol Trade Worldwide: PROBLEMS, ROOT CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS
The World Spirits Alliance’s roadmap on illicit alcohol examines the issue of illicit trade in alcohol, its root causes and potential solution. It also contains case studies, information about the impact of the COVID crisis & alcohol restrictions on illicit trade in alcohol, a perspective on the role of the WTO in the fight against illicit trade, and information on the role that public-private partnerships can play.

June 2023
The Economic Contribution of Distilling & Spirits Production – Global sector, local impact.
Nowadays, spirits are cherished by countless adult consumers worldwide every day. Spirits symbolize festive gatherings, togetherness, and social cohesion. This brochure provides topline insights about the sector and its footprint across the globe.

November 2022
Tackling Illicit Trade in ASEAN advocacy paper
TRACIT has joined with the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) to issue a report that sheds light on the growing problem of illicit trade in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).