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APISWA Reports

APISWA works closely with many partners from government and civil society to advance a better understanding of our industry and overcome the challenges that we face.

January 2024

Glass Recycling Analysis and Roadmap for Vietnam

This joint-report, published with the Economy & Environment Partnership for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) investigates the feasbility of implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, based on the current glass waste pathway in Vietnam, with 24 in-depth interviews conducted and 216 respondents along the waste value chain surveyed.

August 2023

International Wine and Spirits in ASEAN: The economic contribution of the international wine and spirits value chain in Thailand and Vietnam

Economies in Southeast Asia, which are heavily dependent on the tourism and hospitality sectors, were hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. As travel rebounds across the region, this Oxford Economics report studies the contribution of international wine and spirits—a key component of the tourism and hospitality offering—to the recovery in Thailand and Vietnam.

January 2023

Cambodia: Working Together to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm

This booklet features a compilation of responsibility initiatives implemented by the wines & spirits industry between 2017-2022 to tackle harmful drinking in Cambodia.

November 2022

Towards an ASEAN Community: Tackling Illicit Alcohol in Southeast Asia

Co-authored by APISWA together with the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) and the Alliance Against Counterfeit Spirits (AACS), this report paves the way to effectively counter illicit trade in alcohol in the ASEAN region.

December 2020

ALCOHOL E-COMMERCE IN ASIA: A strong partnership between industry and government to unlock an unprecedented opportunity

With the rise of Asian middle class, e-commerce sales in Asia are continuing to accelerate rapidly and
create a unique growth opportunity for e-commerce alcohol sales.

Consumers of younger and wealthier socioeconomic strata are more tech-savvy, more accustomed to the convenience of online orders and delivery and tend to experiment and change preferences more frequently.

This Regulatory Dossier covers nine ASEAN countries (Brunei, where the sale of alcohol is prohibited, is excluded), China, Taiwan, South Korea and New Zealand.